Solution to Lesson 8

( This code can be found at .\tutorial\Lesson8\AddCircles.bas )

'- Variable Declaration Section -

TYPE CIRCLES '                data structure to hold circle info
    x AS SINGLE '             x location of circle
    y AS SINGLE '             y location of circle
    r AS INTEGER '            radius of circle
    c AS _UNSIGNED LONG '     color of circle
    Xdir AS SINGLE '          x direction of circle
    Ydir AS SINGLE '          y direction of cicle

REDIM Circles(0) AS CIRCLES ' structured dynamic array to hold circles
DIM Count% '                  generic FOR...NEXT counter
DIM Total% '                  total number of circles on screen

'- Main Program Begins Here -

SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) '                        enter graphics screen
RANDOMIZE TIMER '                                       seed number generator
Total% = 0 '                                            start with one circle
MakeCircle Total% '                                     create first circle
DO '                                                    begin main program loop
   CLS '                                                clear the screen
   _LIMIT 240 '                                         240 frames per second
   IF _KEYDOWN(18432) THEN '                            up arrow key pressed?
        Total% = Total% + 1 '                           yes, increment total circles
       IF Total% > 499 THEN '                           too many circles?
            Total% = 499 '                              yes, limit to max allowed
       ELSE '                                           no, still ok to add circle
           REDIM _PRESERVE Circles(Total%) AS CIRCLES ' resize array
            MakeCircle Total% '                         create circle at new index
       END IF
   ELSEIF _KEYDOWN(20480) THEN '                        down arrow key pressed?
        Total% = Total% - 1 '                           yes, decrement total circles
       IF Total% < 0 THEN Total% = 0 '                  limit to minimum if too few circles
   FOR Count% = 0 TO Total% '                                          cycle through circles
        Circles(Count%).x = Circles(Count%).x + Circles(Count%).Xdir ' change circle x location
       IF Circles(Count%).x < Circles(Count%).r OR Circles(Count%).x > 639 - Circles(Count%).r THEN 'edge?
            Circles(Count%).Xdir = -Circles(Count%).Xdir '              yes, reverse x direction
       END IF
        Circles(Count%).y = Circles(Count%).y + Circles(Count%).Ydir ' change circle y location
       IF Circles(Count%).y < Circles(Count%).r OR Circles(Count%).y > 479 - Circles(Count%).r THEN 'edge?
            Circles(Count%).Ydir = -Circles(Count%).Ydir '             yes, reverse y direction
       END IF
       CIRCLE (Circles(Count%).x, Circles(Count%).y), Circles(Count%).r, Circles(Count%).c ' draw circle
       PAINT (Circles(Count%).x, Circles(Count%).y), Circles(Count%).c, Circles(Count%).c '  paint inside circle
   NEXT Count%
   LOCATE 2, 7 '                                                       print instructions
   PRINT "Press UP arrow key to add circles, DOWN arrow key to subract circles"
   LOCATE 4, 32
   PRINT "Press ESC to exit"
   LOCATE 28, 36
   PRINT "Total ="; Total% + 1 '                                       show total circles on screen
   _DISPLAY '                                                          update screen with changes
LOOP UNTIL _KEYDOWN(27) '                                              leave loop when ESC pressed
SYSTEM '                                                               return to Windows

SUB MakeCircle (Index%)
    '- Creates a new circle in Circle array at Index% -


    Circles(Index%).r = INT(RND(1) * 20) + 20 '                                  random circle size
    Circles(Index%).c = _RGB32(INT(RND(1) * 256), INT(RND(1) * 256), INT(RND(1) * 256)) ' random color
    Circles(Index%).x = INT(RND(1) * (639 - Circles(Index%).r * 2)) + Circles(Index%).r ' random x location
    Circles(Index%).y = INT(RND(1) * (479 - Circles(Index%).r * 2)) + Circles(Index%).r ' random y location
    Circles(Index%).Xdir = RND(1) - RND(1) '                                     random x direction
    Circles(Index%).Ydir = RND(1) - RND(1) '                                     random y direction